Magyar Péter már termékmegjelenítést is tartalmaz
Azonban mintha elfelejtené, hogy a rezsim megdöntéséhez nem elég megborotválkozni, de választásokat is kellene nyerni a jelen rendszer szerint.
However responsible Mr. Bush is for the creation of this quandary, it is now Mr. Obama's problem to solve.
„The outpouring of tens of thousands of classified military documents by WikiLeaks is not precisely comparable to the publication of the Pentagon Papers-but in at least one crucial respect, it may be more valuable. While the Pentagon Papers revealed the duplicity of American policy makers in the senseless Vietnam War, their release came too late to save many lives or change the course of that conflict. The WikiLeaks disclosures may have arrived in time to influence policy and prevent disaster.
It is true that the lightly classified memoranda and cables in the WikiLeaks trove contain very few facts unknown to anybody who has followed the course of the war. We know that the Afghan conflict is complex and difficult, with a corrupt government in Kabul; a war-fighting policy that seems to alienate civilians while endangering our troops; and a Pakistani ally whose behavior and motives often seem questionable. And we should know that the Obama administration inherited this troubled and perhaps impossible situation from President George W. Bush, whose decision to invade Iraq within a year after striking back at the Taliban may have been catastrophic.
But however responsible Mr. Bush is for the creation of this quandary, it is now Mr. Obama's problem to solve. The usefulness of the WikiLeaks papers will lie in the debate they should inspire among political leaders and a public that neither supports the war nor demands withdrawal-with essential facts that ought to be understood by everyone.”